A New Book!

A few days months ago, I published ‘Minding Mama and Other Short Stories’ , my second short story collection. and here’s the back cover, which gives you a little summary of the stories: If you would like a review copy (free in exchange for an honest review on Amazon) please get in touch via myContinue reading “A New Book!”

How Many Genres do You Write in?

…. and should you write in more than one under the same name? I don’t know if there is a correct answer to that question – I think it’s pretty much down to personal preference, really.  Certainly JK Rowling writes in different genres, and uses different names for each. Although, since (I believe) most peopleContinue reading “How Many Genres do You Write in?”

The Questions…

Now I hope I’ve understood this correctly… I just came across a really interesting blog  classicsandcraziness  and a series of questions people could use to introduce themselves. The idea is to tag the last person who answered the questions, and then answer them yourself…. I think.  So here’s my version:    THE QUESTIONS Appearances!  Name: Elaine JacksonContinue reading “The Questions…”

Indie Comics – to bravely go….

… Or to go bravely to!  Indie Comics are uncharted territory for this author.  So why would I leave my comfort zone (long-form novels) and venture into the unknown?  The answer is pretty simple: I wanted to see this particular story visualized in glorious colour. Preferably, with moving characters – animation or even (the holy grailContinue reading “Indie Comics – to bravely go….”