The Questions…

Now I hope I’ve understood this correctly… I just came across a really interesting blog  classicsandcraziness  and a series of questions people could use to introduce themselves. The idea is to tag the last person who answered the questions, and then answer them yourself…. I think.  So here’s my version:    THE QUESTIONS Appearances!  Name: Elaine JacksonContinue reading “The Questions…”

I NEED A TIME MACHINE! (Or, “Not enough hours in the day!” – an Indie Author’s lament)

As a fan of science-fiction, I’ve often thought how useful a time machine would be for a writer. Just think: you could hop into your TARDIS (surely the most recognisable time machine since HG Wells’ comfy armchair) write five thousand words whilst hovering in no-time (a.k.a. ‘the void’ or the ‘time vortex’) and be backContinue reading “I NEED A TIME MACHINE! (Or, “Not enough hours in the day!” – an Indie Author’s lament)”

‘What if…?’ From death comes life (and a story)

I’ve been writing ‘The Methuselah Gene’ (previous working titles have included ‘All Our Yesterdays’, ‘All Our Tomorrows’ and -very briefly- ‘Time Will Tell’). It evolved from a mind-bending time-spanning love story to a much darker tale of death, kidnap and genetic research I could hardly have imagined when I wrote the very first line back in 2011.