Academic Online Scam!

I don’t tend to make a habit of complaining about companies on social media, but an online learning company called Shaw Academy have taken my patience to the limit. They appear to be operating a scam which promises a free four-week trial period of the course of your choice. But before the trial period isContinue reading “Academic Online Scam!”

Discovering RPGs

If you had told me this time last year that I would be playing a fantasy RPG (Role Playing Game, in case you’re not already aware) in which the lead character is a mutant human who kills monsters for a living, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. My favourite genre is -and has been sinceContinue reading “Discovering RPGs”

Writing: Character—Which Comes First, The Arc or the Backstory?

Originally posted on Amanda Down the Rabbit Hole:
In deciding to write a novel, I have taken on the monumental task of creating characters. Of course, when I first made this decision, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Whooo-Boy!? In previous posts I discussed creating personalities and senses of humor for…

The Methuselah Paradox

Twenty-third century Detective James Moran’s daughter is dying. A cancer pandemic targeting adolescents is sweeping the globe, thanks to a mutation in the ‘Methuselah gene’ which has successfully extended life for most of the population. If a cure cannot be found, humanity could face extinction within one generation. Moran travels back in time in aContinue reading “The Methuselah Paradox”

The Darker Side of Time Travel

“Time is an illusion…lunchtime doubly so.” (Douglas Adams, ‘The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’) A spoiler-free review of Netflix’s dark sci-fi thriller, ‘Dark’ by EJ Jackson If you think ‘Doctor Who’ is “wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey”, then prepare yourself for the mental gymnastics of Netflix’s first German sci-fi thriller series, ‘Dark’. If you enjoyed ‘StrangerContinue reading “The Darker Side of Time Travel”

How To Create a Program Booklet

With so much informative content available online, it can be hard to sift through it all to find something really useful that won’t take an age to learn to implement (I’ll be writing a seperate post about that quite soon). And having multiple email subscriptions which, let’s be honest, most of us never have timeContinue reading “How To Create a Program Booklet”

How Many Genres do You Write in?

…. and should you write in more than one under the same name? I don’t know if there is a correct answer to that question – I think it’s pretty much down to personal preference, really.  Certainly JK Rowling writes in different genres, and uses different names for each. Although, since (I believe) most peopleContinue reading “How Many Genres do You Write in?”

The Questions…

Now I hope I’ve understood this correctly… I just came across a really interesting blog  classicsandcraziness  and a series of questions people could use to introduce themselves. The idea is to tag the last person who answered the questions, and then answer them yourself…. I think.  So here’s my version:    THE QUESTIONS Appearances!  Name: Elaine JacksonContinue reading “The Questions…”