A New Book!

A few days months ago, I published ‘Minding Mama and Other Short Stories’ , my second short story collection. and here’s the back cover, which gives you a little summary of the stories: If you would like a review copy (free in exchange for an honest review on Amazon) please get in touch via myContinue reading “A New Book!”

How To Create a Program Booklet

With so much informative content available online, it can be hard to sift through it all to find something really useful that won’t take an age to learn to implement (I’ll be writing a seperate post about that quite soon). And having multiple email subscriptions which, let’s be honest, most of us never have timeContinue reading “How To Create a Program Booklet”

How Many Genres do You Write in?

…. and should you write in more than one under the same name? I don’t know if there is a correct answer to that question – I think it’s pretty much down to personal preference, really.  Certainly JK Rowling writes in different genres, and uses different names for each. Although, since (I believe) most peopleContinue reading “How Many Genres do You Write in?”

The Questions…

Now I hope I’ve understood this correctly… I just came across a really interesting blog  classicsandcraziness  and a series of questions people could use to introduce themselves. The idea is to tag the last person who answered the questions, and then answer them yourself…. I think.  So here’s my version:    THE QUESTIONS Appearances!  Name: Elaine JacksonContinue reading “The Questions…”

Indie Comics – to bravely go….

… Or to go bravely to!  Indie Comics are uncharted territory for this author.  So why would I leave my comfort zone (long-form novels) and venture into the unknown?  The answer is pretty simple: I wanted to see this particular story visualized in glorious colour. Preferably, with moving characters – animation or even (the holy grailContinue reading “Indie Comics – to bravely go….”

Lost for Words? The Passion to Write (and Publish) is Important!

Originally posted on The Regina Monologue:
Feeling a bit hopeless right now. I haven’t posted about all the recent politics because I can’t think how to articulate my incredulity in any way that hasn’t been written a thousand times already. Brexit was bad enough… Trump is just unbelievable. Carl and I sat up watching the…

How I created a book trailer

above: artwork for ‘The Methuselah Paradox’ trailer by Catherine Archer-Wills by EJ Jackson The Beginning First of all, I should make it clear that I’m not claiming that this is the only way to create a book trailer, or that you as an indie author should follow my method. Mainly because, when I began the process,Continue reading “How I created a book trailer”


It’s always great to meet like-minded folk.  The team at Scannerdrome TV  interviewed me yesterday about my writing process, book trailers, and why we love sci-fi.  The hardest part? Wanting to ask them questions about what they’re doing, how they got started with Scannerdrome, and so on – maybe next time! In the meantime, doContinue reading “Connections”

Genre – should we pigeonhole our books?

I primarily write science-fiction, but I’m a sucker for a good story with believable and sympathetic characters, whatever the genre.  (As, I’m quite sure, are you.)  The same goes for my TV and film choices. So my recent viewing has included dramas such as ‘War & Peace’, ‘Dickensian’, ‘Humans’, ‘The Bridge’, ‘Detectorists’ (yes, I know it’s comedy, butContinue reading “Genre – should we pigeonhole our books?”

What’s In A Name? Novel and Trailer Update

‘The Methuselah Gene’ is now ‘The Methuselah Paradox’ This book has had more titles than I’ve had hot dinners!  Well, not really… but it started life as a short story titled ‘The Journey’, before becoming a full-blown novel called ‘All Our Yesterdays’; then it became ‘All Our Tomorrows’.  Following a massive rewrite during which the secondary plotlineContinue reading “What’s In A Name? Novel and Trailer Update”