How long should we live?

With our National Health Service beginning to creak under the weight of increasing numbers of senior members of society as people live longer, Pearl S Buck’s words have never been truer: Our society must make it right and possible for old people not to fear the young or be deserted by them, for the test of aContinue reading “How long should we live?”

Film industry: if you ain’t got the money, take your broke a** home.

Originally posted on Grit Journalism:
The film, media and arts industry is facing a financial crisis. Not in box office terms, no. It’s no secret that breaking into the creative  industries is one of the hardest and most cut throat businesses one can venture in, wether you’re a creative graduate or a long term freelancer,…


You might recall this post I made almost two weeks ago, about an exciting new sci-fi drama project from ‘Third Contact’ creator Simon Horrocks – ‘KOSMOS’, a six-part web series. I’m very happy to say that with just a few days to go before the deadline, the target of £30,000 was met and ‘KOSMOS’ will go into productionContinue reading “THEY MADE IT! ‘KOSMOS’ IS GO!”

Why we should never give up on our dreams… why crowdfunding works

Originally posted on from here to infinity and beyond:
If someone had told my fifteen-year-old self that I would one day create an appreciation society for a favourite science-fiction show (a club which is still going strong thirty-four years later) or that I would be invited to visit the set, go to sci-fi conventions and meet authors,…

John Simm receives Royal Television Society North West award for his performance in Prey

Originally posted on John Simm Society Blog:
Prolific North 17 Nov 2014 David Prior Full list of winners from the Royal Television Society North West awards Indies from across the region were recognised on Saturday at the Royal Television Society North West awards. Red Production Company took home the Judges’ Award and also saw performers…

Matters of Life and Death – ‘Dr Who’ & ‘Intruders’ explore the afterlife – SPOILERS!

Television seems to have something of a fixation with matters of life and/or death at the moment, doesn’t it? Along with all the ‘zombie-fayre’. We now have ‘Intruders’ (from the novel ‘The Intruders’  by Michael Marshall Smith, adapted for television by ‘X-Files’ writer Glen Morgan) and the two-part season finale of ‘Doctor Who’, ‘Dark Matter’/’DeathContinue reading “Matters of Life and Death – ‘Dr Who’ & ‘Intruders’ explore the afterlife – SPOILERS!”