How Many Genres do You Write in?

…. and should you write in more than one under the same name? I don’t know if there is a correct answer to that question – I think it’s pretty much down to personal preference, really.  Certainly JK Rowling writes in different genres, and uses different names for each. Although, since (I believe) most peopleContinue reading “How Many Genres do You Write in?”


It’s always great to meet like-minded folk.  The team at Scannerdrome TV  interviewed me yesterday about my writing process, book trailers, and why we love sci-fi.  The hardest part? Wanting to ask them questions about what they’re doing, how they got started with Scannerdrome, and so on – maybe next time! In the meantime, doContinue reading “Connections”

“Imagination is the highest kite one can fly” – would you like to help me imagine a book trailer?

Help Indie Author EJ Jackson to create a trailer for her novel ‘The Methuselah Paradox’

And finally, we’re here – Publication Day!

Before you wonder if I’ve written at a million miles per hour, it isn’t ‘All Our Tomorrows’ but a collection of short stories I’ve been working at on the side. ‘The Journey and Other Short Stories’  is now available in paperback from Amazon here  – it will also be available in electronic form very soon.    TheContinue reading “And finally, we’re here – Publication Day!”

who I am, what I did, what I do now

Who I am:  A fifty-something reader, writer and all-round drama and theatre geek. I won’t bore you with the usual ‘I’ve always loved books and in particular science-fiction’ (although it happens to be true)…. long story short (ish): What I did:  In 1980, I founded the official ‘Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ appreciation society, ZZ9Continue reading “who I am, what I did, what I do now”