A Tale of One Duckling…

After Thursday’s Road Rage incident, it was nice to see a retweeted post this morning showing some kind people in the US of A rescuing a mummy duck’s babies after they fell down a drain. Went some way to restoring my (slightly dented) faith in humanity! It reminded me, too, that my husband and IContinue reading “A Tale of One Duckling…”

Lessons Learned: My Journey as an Indie Author

In the Beginning… In August, 2014, I published my first science-fiction book on Amazon, ‘The Journey & Other Short Stories‘. As the title suggests, it is a collection of short stories, and the act of publication was a very exciting moment for me. It represented decades of wanting to be a published author but notContinue reading “Lessons Learned: My Journey as an Indie Author”

Looking Backwards to Christmas – writing Xmas cards needn’t be a chore!

Christmas can be a difficult time of year – I don’t think anyone would argue with that, would they? For wives and mothers and home organisers in general, the month (in plural if you are really organised, which I never am) leading up to December 25th can be hectic and stressful, as the Christmas MachineContinue reading “Looking Backwards to Christmas – writing Xmas cards needn’t be a chore!”